Studio Policies


A required practice time will be set with each student. It is expected that they satisfy the required time on a regular basis. Depending on the age, level, and music end goal of the student this can range anywhere from 30 minutes 5 days a week to 4 hours 6 days a week. I will also write in their notebooks and music books things that need to be worked on for the week. Younger children will be given incentive stickers at the end of each lesson if they are well prepared for the lesson. Students who have difficulty practicing will be given a practice chart to fill out and have signed by a parent.


Tuition is due by the 10th of the month regardless if a lesson has been taught yet. If payment is late there will be a $5.00 fee added per student. If payment is received on or after the 15th the late fee becomes $10.00 to be added to tuition. Note: If I receive a check after the 10th that was written out before, it is still late.

Missed Lessons

If you know you can not make your scheduled lesson time you need to let me know so I can give you other students lesson times and information that
you can swap times with. I will try and reschedule a lesson if I have at least 48 Hour Notice. Since we are doing “lesson time swap” I really should be given at least a week notice. Please look at your sports, school, and church schedules ASAP so you know if there are any conflicts that we can plan for ahead of time. In the event of an emergency, (usually illness) a make-up lesson will still be given. These make-up lessons will be given the weeks of master class or during my normal teaching days/hours (Monday-Thursday from 6:30am to 6:00pm.) Please remember that sleeping in, sporting events, staying after school, etc. does not constitute an emergency. Also, if a student simply forgets to come, the lesson will not be made up and the lesson will still be charged. Also remember that if your child forgets to tell you about a conflict before their lesson, or less than 48 hours before, there is nothing I can do about that. Remember that you are paying for a time slot along with instruction. I am here committed to teaching your children at your scheduled lesson time. Note: If I am notified at the time of lesson that a student will miss their lesson because of sickness and the illness was known of earlier in the day there will be no make up lesson as I was not given reasonable notification.


I ask that if you plan on quitting to please notify me at least two weeks prior to their quitting. This allows me time to replace the student's time slot. If I am not given this notification you will be expected to pay for those
two weeks of lessons.

Extended Missed Lessons
If you will be missing lessons for an extended amount of time, the student can not just "take time off." I will keep your time slot available for two weeks. However, if a student will miss three or more lessons in a row they will be required to pay for the lessons they are missing if they wish to keep their time slot.

Any other questions regarding policies can be directed to Janessa. See Contact Information.